Term Contract Experience
LCG currently has prime term contracts with ANTHC, AVCPRHA, DMVA, NOAA PPMD, and USF&WS-Alaska Region. We are serving in a sub-consultant role on term contracts with AIDEA/AEA and USDA-FS. LCG has successfully completed over 200 separate projects issued under these term contracts during the past five years. In many cases, this is our second or third multi-year term contract awarded with each agency/client. Our acquisition of Term Contracts is an indicator that we provide quality services and that our clients enjoy working with us. Many of our term contracts have been extended due to client satisfaction and a desire to continue the successful relationship.

Childhood Education
Education has been a motivation for LCG for the entire history of our firm. Starting with Mr. John Larsen, we have held pride in employing personnel who understand the importance of education, not just on an individual level, but as an avenue to improving the lives and condition of villages across rural Alaska. The proposed key personnel for your project have been involved in childhood education design and education construction projects every year continuously since 1999. See the Project List.
LCG’s housing experience includes the design of over 700 units of housing in 70 communities around the state. This housing includes HUD low rent and mutual help housing, congregate living for the elderly, apartments for the elderly, and private single-family homes. Our units have consisted of single-family detached, duplexes, triplexes, four-plexes and larger multi-unit buildings. We design for the cold region environments with an emphasis on openness and lighting, energy efficiency, ease of construction in short construction seasons and accessibility. We are experienced with specifying building materials that are low maintenance and will perform in adverse weather conditions.
Renovation / Remodels
Perhaps the most challenging and rewarding architectural experiences are the adaptive reuse, renovations or remodels. The individual experiences of the LCG staff architects cover many various types of adaptive reuse, renovations and remodels. They include such spaces as schools, offices, commercial restaurants, community recreation centers, single-family residences, and multi-residential complexes.
Sustainable Design

Sustainable design in Alaska has been steadily gaining traction as end-users and building owners see the economic, environmental and health benefits of sustainable principals. LCG takes care when making decision decisions as our company principals are rooted in sustainable practices. From the choice of materials, access to daylight, design of thermal envelope, to energy use and power generation we know that every project will benefit from the right purposeful implementation. This has brought our design team high accomplishments.
LCG has designed the most northern LEED Silver building in the world (Barrow Weather Station Office) and achieved LEED Silver for the ARRC Freight Shed Renovation. We are part of a team that has recently been pre-qualified by the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, in cooperation with Alaska Housing Finance Corporation as pre-qualified Energy Efficiency Project Developers. In addition, LCG Lantech was the only Alaskan architect out of 109 entries selected as a finalist for the Aleutian Housing Authority Living Building Challenge.
LCG involves the client to collectively decide what sustainable methods, material, and systems should be considered. As a matter of practice, we thoughtfully choose modern, green materials whenever they prove to be durable and cost-effective replacements for old, industry standards. We also always look to develop a building with low heating and electrical operating costs providing a lifetime benefit for the facility. Each one of our projects receives this amount of attention from day one.
ADA Experience
We recognize the importance of providing fully accessible facilities to communities, especially in a learning environment where universal access is critical. Our architects and engineers have completed multiple new construction and renovation projects in local and remote sites that are fully compliant with the requirements for accessibility. These cover single-building conditions as well as village-wide facility upgrades. Our Architectural Manager, Wallace Swanson, while working with the Federal Aviation Administration Alaska Region designed and implemented an ADA compliance program and checklist to survey every FAA operated facility in Alaska.

Utility & Process Infrastructure
Utility and Process Infrastructure projects are a backbone of LCG’s workload as well as the health of rural Alaska. Whether it is a prototype power plant module, a North Slope man-camp, a pipeline pump station, or a water/wastewater processing facility each project is approached with a technical process and acute attention to critical aspects, risks, and uncertainties. Taking the time to define and organize specific areas of focus, allows for implementing optimal solutions for worker safety, technical detailing, facility operations, time and budget.